Sunday, February 19, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Ark claims examined - Part 3

There is a lot of story in the movie I will skip, because I'm focusing on the ark and validating the story against the bible.

Fast forward in the movie to the well of souls. Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? (I think it should have been rats, unless, we assume the snakes were spawned from Aaron's staff?)

<tangent>Jones and Sallah come up to a stone box with lightning flashing outside... And then somehow, they are able to lift the lid? You know what that should weigh? A LOT... But I can tell from the way it moves and then breaks when they throw it down the stairs that it was really just made of styrofoam. Mystery solved.</tangent>

I am glad they used wooden poles to lift the Ark out of the odd shaped box and carry it. Good thing they didn't touch it, like Uzzah! But through out the movie, I see just two men carrying it, even though, in the bible, 4 is recommended.

<tangent>God didn't like his ark being carried on a cart, I doubt he liked it in a truck much more. Luckily, it's in a box, but...</tangent>

When it's on the ship, there is a scene when the ark burns the symbol of the third reich. Interesting touch, nothing supports or refutes that claim that I saw.

When they get to the convenient island in the Mediterranean, there is an interesting exchange among the Germans and Rene.

  • German soldier peon: The altar has been prepared with your radio instructions sir.
  • Rene: Good, get the ark there immediately.
  • German main soldier fellow: Monsieur, I'm uncomfortable with the thought of this Jewish ritual. Are you sure it's necessary? <tangent>What ritual? The bible has no rituals like this that don't involve death. Didn't Rene read the bible either?</tangent>
  • Rene: Let me ask you this: Would you be more comfortable opening the ark in Berlin? For your furor? Finding out only then if the sacred pieces of the covenant are inside? Knowing only then whether you have accomplished your mission, and obtained the one true ark.

When the Nazi party is proceeding with the ark to the altar site, they have 4 guys carying it, and it is under a purple cloth. Good idea, I like that.

Next, Jones threatens to blow up the Ark. I don't think God would mind, it's been missing for centuries, and even though it's mentioned in Revelation it is probably just an earthly representation of the one in heaven. But the explosion should be remarkable.

<tangent>Um... why are they taking the girl (Marion) in a white dress?  God doesn't like human sacrifices (except the occasional willing sacrifice). Luckily, Rene talks Jones out of it or we would never get to see wax melting quite like it does later.</tangent>

  • Rene: Inside the ark are treasures beyond your wildest aspirations. You want to see it opened as well as I. Indianna, we are simply passing thru history. But this, (he doesn't touch it) this is history.

Once at the destination, two soldiers carry it to the top to the "altar", albeit not much of an altar, more like an amphitheater.

<tangent>Is Rene  speaking Hebrew? Is he secretly Jewish? Did the Nazis not notice? And what is he wearing? A turban? I only remember a turban from the book of Daniel. A linen ephod? The urim and thummim? Holding a gold scepter? </tangent>

But what is great is that the two soldiers lift the lid. Just lift it. Nothing happens to them. I wonder what Uzzah would have to say about that.

Jones watches while this happens and is secretly happy nothing is in the box.  The main German soldier takes his glove off to feel the sand inside.

<tangent>I think they are trying to imply that either 1) this isn't the real Ark, or 2) time has reduced the fragments to dust or 3) the commandments were never written on stone, it was a hoax. But perhaps the pharaoh who took it to Tanis opened it and removed the good stuff? Bummer, I'd really like to see manna.</tangent>

When the electronics go wiggy and electrical stuff explodes and smoke and light pours out of the ark Jones turns his head towards Marion.

  • Jones: Marion, don't look at it. Shut your eyes, Marion, don't look at it no matter what happens.

Perhaps this was Jones' act of faith? God likes faith. Maybe that is why they were spared? I think the reason Jones decided to stop looking was from the verse where 70 men were killed for looking into the ark. <tangent>No women are mentioned, always curious.</tangent>

After the terror, fire comes out in a pillar and drills holes in the soldiers, melts and explodes the guys closest to the ark, then the fire sucks everything up into heaven, and the lid lands firmly back in place. I wonder if this is what the 70 also saw?

Lucky for Marion and Jones, the ropes were burned off, somehow, by the fire of God. But how did Jones and Marion get the Ark off the island? Another unsolved mystery.

<tangent>I love that it goes to Warehouse 13. Even if the box is not to scale as the fellow pushes it down the aisle...</tangent>

In conclusion, I think that the writers of the Raiders of the Lost Ark partially paid attention to the stories they heard in Sunday School. There are many little details in the story that could have easily been made authentic with just a few minor changes.

Still, it is a great, fun, adventure movie. I know I will watch it again.

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