Saturday, February 11, 2012

History and perspective

I enjoy science. I enjoy technology. I enjoy science fiction. I enjoy logic. I enjoy philosophy. I enjoy the bible. I enjoy a lot of things, life is full of wonder and mystery.

I once believed there was no god. I thought the people going to church were just playing an elaborate game with each other, since it appeared to me that their god had no impact on their daily lives. I also considered that people who claimed to believe in god were weak willed and unable to accept responsibility for their own actions. Some these theories may be true for some people, it is not my place to know.

When I studied the universe in college, it became apparent to me that there was more evidence supporting the existence of a god than not, and that it was more of a stretch to believe there was no god than to believe. I was not happy about this. I liked a world governed by logic and chance, I was willing to take responsibility for my choices, but with a god in the mix, I my conscience dictated that I respond differently. Other factors led me to decide that the god of the Judeo-Christian faith was the best candidate, and I began to examine life with God, Jesus and the holy spirit.

It wasn't an instant transformation. That was many years ago, and God has led me thru many varied experiences. This blog is not about that.

This blog is about looking at the bible from my perspective, I enjoy examining different theories. Some of my theories may be controversial. So be it. Some of my theories I will play with for a while and decide I don't actually believe them. They are theories. I am not claiming to have the answers, I will get the answers when I stand before God at the end of days.

God gave me a unique perspective for a reason, and I intend to do my best to glorify him with it to the best of my ability.

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